We are exactly one month away from the 127th Boston Marathon! Our 2023 Boston Marathon team will support Good Sports’ mission to increase access to play for children in need across the country. We can’t wait to cheer on Team Good Sports, all while helping give more kids the chance to play. Learn more about our team here:
Gerald Brown – Eighteen Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
Good Sports is a phenomenal organization that provides such wonderful opportunities for disadvantaged youth.
How did sports impact you growing up?
Participating in sports kept me busy, active, and healthy, both physically and mentally.
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
Start Me Up – The Rolling Stones
Barb Jewell – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
There are a few reasons. First, my husband requalified during his 2022 Boston Marathon and told me he was not going to run the race this year unless I ran it. Well, I’m not fast enough to qualify. I’ve watched all of these dedicated athletes run their hearts out to qualify and I didn’t think I deserved it. So, second, after learning about Good Sports, my feelings have changed. Good Sports is nation-wide and provides the means to so many children so that they can play sports and not be embarrassed because they didn’t have the right shoes or equipment needed to play. I’m raising $10,000 or more for these kids. It is my honor to run Boston for Good Sports.
How did sports impact you growing up?
Honestly, I didn’t play a lot of sports. I’m one of seven children. My mom raised the four youngest on her own and there was never extra money to go around. I did cheer and I worked after school. Back then, cheering was only a couple days a week, so, it didn’t interfere with my work schedule. I wanted to participate in more but, I didn’t feel as if I were good enough. Now, I know that I am good enough and I hope every child has the opportunity to learn just that.
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
Eye Of The Tiger – Survivor
Boni Jr. Santos – First Time Boston Marathon Runner (Once Virtually In 2020)
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
I can very much relate to the advocacy of Good Sports of helping kids in high need areas to be physically active and to engage in sports activities.
How did sports impact you growing up?
As a kid growing up, I faced struggles ranging from being obese, having asthma, and being bullied by other kids. I gained strength to overcome all of these struggles by being active and engaging in sports and gaining more self confidence in the process.
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
Bleed It Out – Linkin Park
Caren Steeves – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
I’ve wanted to run Boston since watching the race as a kid. And, when I was presented with the opportunity to raise funds and promote awareness for Good Sports, I knew this is exactly my time to run Boston. Good Sports mission gives me so much motivation to thrive while at the same time knowing that the contribution of fundraising provides kids and communities the ability to play, to run, to participate and thrive in who they wish to become.
How did sports impact you growing up?
Sports played an integral part In my life since age 6. First, giving me the feeling of acceptance, confidence, and being part of a team. Then came courage and determination to be better, not only in sport, but in school. I always wanted to do better. That morphed into endless opportunities in sports’ team participation, which instilled dedication to go beyond. Beyond the playing field or court to excel in the classroom. Which eventually led me to a collegiate softball scholarship and successful collegiate athlete. Which in turn has led to a very successful career in technology. Sports instilled the foundation to succeed.
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
Eminem – Lose Yourself
Kendra Hancock – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
I work in athletics and have always been around sports. This was a perfect fit for me, working in college athletics, serving in miracle league games, at boys and girls clubs and being a female leader in sport. I was really excited to raise money for the Good Sports since they provide new equipment and gear to kids in high need communities as well as introducing new sports they may not have known about without the proper equipment and gear.
How did sports impact you growing up?
I played little league baseball growing up, being part of team teaches you many life lessons. Throughout high school and college, I was a manager and took statistics for multiple teams. I decided to marry my two passions, sports and academics by teaching and advising college students. Now I have the opportunity to pass on the knowledge of sport management/administration by teaching Sport Management classes.
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
Run The World – Beyonce
Matt Sawyer – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
I really felt a connection to Good Sports upon learning more about the impacts they are making in so many communities nationwide. The benefits and life lessons that I received from playing youth sports are immeasurable and I am so grateful that I was given the opportunity for these experiences. Unfortunately, many kids do not have these opportunities because of the cost to play. I am incredibly honored to have the opportunity to help Good Sports bridge that gap and create opportunities for kids in need.
How did sports impact you growing up?
My experiences in youth sports molded me into the person I am today. I made most of my lifelong friendships through youth sports, and developed irreplaceable cognitive, social, and emotional skills in the gym and on the field.
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
I’m Shipping Up to Boston – Dropkick Murphys
Nick Brisbois – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
I always wanted to run the Boston Marathon for a charity that my interests aligned with. Growing up trying all the different sports I could, and now an avid sports fan, Good Sports is an excellent charity that helps kids get to try sports just like I had the opportunity to.
How did sports impact you growing up?
My parents got me into sports at a very young age and I’ve stuck with sports since then. I loved being competitive and learning new sports. Everyday after school I had a sports activity lined up whether it was cross country in the fall to baseball in the spring.
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
Shake It Off – Taylor Swift
Sara Kraftcheck – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
I feel it is so important for kids of all backgrounds to be able to play sports. Having the necessary equipment and apparel can be cost-prohibitive for many families. I love that Good Sports is filling this role in communities in need.
How did sports impact you growing up?
I played soccer for more than 10 years as a kid. It helped me build an amazing friend group, gain confidence, and taught me leadership skills that I use to this day!
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
It’s About Damn Time – Lizzo
Tyrand Williams – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
As a Cubs season ticket holder, I’ve seen the amazing work that Good Sports Inc does in partnering with my local favorite team to distribute athletic equipment and I wanted to partner with the organization for a great cause.
How did sports impact you growing up?
As an adopted child who grew up without many close friends, sports provided an outlet for my energy and allowed me to socialize with others my age.
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
Harder Better Faster Stronger – Daft Punk
Sophie Trachtenberg – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
I wanted to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports for a few reasons. After graduating college and having played basketball my whole life, I was looking to be a part of a new team, test my athletic boundaries in new ways, and do something productive and meaningful at the same time. Running a marathon has always been a goal of mine, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to accomplish it while supporting such a great organization and cause that means so much to me personally.
How did sports impact you growing up?
Sports have been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember, as I have played competitive basketball since elementary school. The impact that playing basketball—and being on a team—has had on me is indescribable. I developed self confidence, learned how to set goals and challenge myself, and gained friends and family for life. By running for Good Sports, I’ll be able to help kids have access to the same opportunities that were so foundational for me.
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
How Far We’ve Come – Matchbox Twenty and Touch of Grey – Grateful Dead
Ted G. Benedict – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
I was looking for a challenge in 2023 and I’ve always wanted to run a marathon that was a big event. Boston certainly qualifies and I also have several ties to Boston. My sister lives in Wellesley, my daughter is a freshman at Boston College, and my company has an office in Westwood. Good Sports is a great cause that I was excited to support, so all the pieces seemed to fall into place.
How did sports impact you growing up?
I played several different sports growing up and loved to compete. Sports helped to teach life-long lessons such as teamwork, value of practice, resilience, humility, and good sportsmanship. Playing sports can bring out a rollercoaster of emotions, and you learn that it is critical to control your emotions and continue to compete, regardless of the circumstances.
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
Free – Phish
Michael Cooke – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
I’ve attended fundraisers hosted by the organization for about 5 years now and have seen how great an impact Good Sports has on different communities. Growing up playing many different sports across seasons, I wanted to be able to help provide others what I was fortunate enough to have access to.
How did sports impact you growing up?
Sports have impacted me in so many areas. From developmental skills early on, to giving me an outlet and supporting my mental health, to professional opportunities sports have been the single-most important thing in my life.
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
Delilah – Fred Again..
Casey Shanley – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports?
I wanted to run the Boston Marathon for Good Sports because sports has always been such an important face it in my life! I grew up playing hockey and softball and those contributed so much to the person I am today both personally and professionally. So many of the most important relationships in my life came about because of sports and knowing the funds I raise will go to a child or multiple children/ kids in areas where equipment or funds are not available for similar experiences really hits home.
How did sports impact you growing up?
Sports were present in my life as early as the age of 6. I had the privilege of trying everything like soccer, gymnastics, golf…. But I found my happiness on a softball field and in a hockey rink. I played both all throughout middle school and high school and created many of my closest friendships. I played softball in college too and those years really helped shape me to be a hardworking person well beyond those times into my adult professional years!
What song is definitely going to be on your playlist on Marathon Monday?
Run This Town – Jay-Z & Rihanna
Also competing for Good Sports in the 2023 Boston Marathon:
Jenny Gaard – Second Time Boston Marathon Runner
Gary Poulton – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
Coleman Walsh – First Time Boston Marathon Runner
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