When I began my events and marketing internship in February, I knew Good Sports donated sports equipment to youth programs in need so kids can have the opportunity to play sports. There was a lot to learn about the organization’s operations, but I felt confident I knew what Good Sports was all about.
I didn’t.
Yes, as a result of the donations, kids can play sports who otherwise might not have had the opportunity. That is an amazing result! What’s missing is the how and why.
The team at Good Sports works relentlessly to raise funds to acquire equipment, apparel and footwear to fulfill donation requests in every state. Hours are spent writing descriptions for auction items, planning Pick-Pack-Play Days and organizing warehouse inventory. Each person fills a different role that is crucial to getting jerseys on kids’ backs and basketballs in their hands. At the 13th Annual Legends of the Ball gala, the entire staff caravanned auction items into Boston at noon and finished checkout at midnight.
All work would be meaningless if there weren’t others who were willing to join our cause. A highlight of my internship was near the conclusion of Legends, where after buying raffle tickets and bidding on auction items, guests were asked to raise their paddles if they wished to donate money to Good Sports. Hundreds of paddles popped up in a victorious wave of generosity. Hundreds of people were united by the desire to better children’s lives.
The degree to which those lives are improved cannot be understated. Another highlight was a visit to a local Boston school where we interviewed a Good Sport in the Community honoree. As this Physical Education teacher walked around the halls, it was clear how much the students respected and admired him. He had so much passion for getting kids involved in a variety of sports but was limited by the cramped, aging facility and broken down equipment.
Before the interview, a small group of middle school kids came into the gym. We were informed the students were all from Haiti and in a program to learn English and become acclimated to the school. They started playing with the soccer balls – part of a Good Sports donation from the previous year. Some could kick the ball well, some couldn’t…but they were all joyfully running around and engaging with one another.
Right before my eyes was the value of Good Sports’ mission, and that was just from a few soccer balls. With the continuous work of the Good Sports team and its supporters, the potential for this organization is astounding and I cannot wait to see what’s to come as I start a full time position with Good Sports.
— Rebecca Lynch, Business Development Associate