So, you’re running the Good Sports Virtual Turkey Trot. And you already know what that means (because you’re a genius): you complete either the 5K or 1 Mile Fun Run anywhere between November 27th-30th. But the real question now is, “OK, where does one actually run a Virtual Turkey Trot?”
The answer is a simple one: from anywhere! If you need some ideas on where ‘anywhere’ is, check out our list of some great places (and ways) to get locked in for your official run!
Hiking trail
Maybe it’s a mountain you’ve been meaning to climb since forever. Run or walk, nothing beats getting in some exercise quite like going vertical. And those #Views. Don’t forget your selfie up at the top!
Your Neighborhood
Another walk/run decision that you can call at game time! You probably know this route really well by now, so what’s stopping you? Besides, it’s a good opportunity to show off your shirt and your good deed to your neighbor.
At the Gym
This way you know the weather will be good! And you’ll never leave anyone behind (or get left behind, if that’s more your story). You can jump into your regular workout and shower off before you head out for the day. Now you’ll accomplish your good deed and get in that pesky morning workout!
Run the Bases
No bat and ball required! If you live near a baseball field, this is a creative way to get in those steps and strides. Plus, turning at each base is always good for your agility. Enough technical talk! If you’re running with a group, this is an easy way to set up a relay race. Competition is life!
Basketball Court or Soccer Field
Burn some extra calories with a fun pick up game, or even just running back and forth. There are no rules! OK, general laws of society still apply but break out of the normal box when it comes to races and fun runs. Besides, a picture of you and your friends sweating together on a field will be a great memory to look back on next year!
Pool (or body of water, but perhaps not the tub)
Some of us are mermaids and were meant for the water. If you’re that person, strap on your goggles and take the plunge. We recommend drying off with the official t-shirt, but still totally support you swimming to your heart’s content drenched in Turkey Trot gear.
Game of Dodgeball
It’s time to get a little retro. If you have the right kind of ball – or if you can withstand something else – find a basketball court or an empty playground and go nuts! Make sure you’re tracking everything on your smart device; it should be able to tell you once you’ve hit your mile or 5K. It’s up to you to stop!
School Track
It will be Thanksgiving break, so you won’t have to fight for space with the track team. Instead, you may have the entire place to yourself – so make it fun. Time yourself, run backwards, or race a friend. Either way, make sure that Turkey Trot shirt is soaked in hard earned sweat!
Stadium Stairs
The big one: Stadium Stairs Run. You’ve seen it in commercials paired with inspirational music and on your friends’ Instagram feed. It’s your turn to give it a shot. A nearby college or school should have plenty of steps for you to trot up (and down). Bring a snack!
Haven’t signed up for the Good Sports Virtual Turkey Trot?