Good Sports had a busy 2018. We met and surpassed goals, hung out with tons of awesome kids, and expanded our mission’s reach. These moments were made possible by our team, our gracious partners and the passionate donors we are lucky to have in our corner when it comes to securing the future of youth sports.

Oakland Lacrosse Club received a donation with plenty of new lacrosse sticks for their entire program.
By The Numbers
Before Thanksgiving, Good Sports distributed over $13.5 million worth of equipment. Where did everything come from? Our team has been working hard alongside partners and equipment manufacturers to acquire brand new athletic gear. From boxing gloves to mouth guards, there is always a need for something. If a program comes forward and requests an item we don’t have, Good Sports goes out and finds it.
Lights, Camera, Action
Did we mention we made a movie this year? Our first ever short-form documentary, “Problems, Solutions, Heroes” premiered online in November. Harding High School of Bridgeport, Conn is not an unfamiliar story: Multiple athletic programs in danger of being cut. It is up to coaches, athletes and administrators to constantly find their own resources. Coaches Eddie Santiago and LaDonna Bigelow become the highlight of our documentary, explaining the daily struggles of trying to secure the athletic program at Harding High. You’ll also see these mentors doing all they can to ensure the future of their students, including starting a relationship with Good Sports.
You can see the 5-minute documentary for yourself right here and witness why sports and physical activity isn’t just fun, it’s lifesaving.

Coaches Eddie (football, wrestling) and LaDonna (volleyball, track & field) rally behind the hardworking kids of Harding High in Bridgeport, Conn.
Want another Cinderella moment to the Bridgeport story? The football team of Harding High School won their city championship a few weeks after the documentary premiered on our channels. Go Presidents!
More Numbers
Also this year, Good Sports helped give access to sports equipment to 1 million kids. Now, what does that look like? Consider this: the tenth most populated city, as of 2017, is San Jose, CA hosting 1,026,908 people. In comparison to the number of donations this year, it’s like Good Sports was able to populate an entire city of active and healthy kids. Just imagine it: a whole city of kids playing with soccer balls, running agility ladders, and staying active. While it wouldn’t be the most organized metropolis, it’s definitely a place we’d want to visit!

Guess what? We’re 15 and we don’t feel like slowing down!
And – not to age ourselves –we turned 15 this year. We got to celebrate through the well wishes of our ambassadors, like Chris Archer of the Pittsburgh Pirates, and TV personality and former NFL quarterback Jesse Palmer. Reflecting back on all the work others have helped us accomplish was incredibly rewarding, but it highlighted just how much more we have left to do.
What’s Next?
Remember San Jose’s population of 1,026,908? That’s just the 10th most populated city in the US; and it’s only one city. Our job is to make sure that every kid – in every city – is on the field and playing. We’re so excited about what has already been accomplished, but more than ready to take on 2019. There are plenty more programs, schools and community centers that need help. This coming year, we are determined to bring playtime and athletics to more kids than ever. Hope to see you there!